About the Journal

Official Publication of the Brazilian Association of Medicine and Surgery of the Ankle and Foot

Frequency: every semester

Jorge Mitsuo Mizusaki

Associated Editors
Kelly Cristina Stéfani
Marcelo Pires Prado
Alexandre Leme Godoy dos Santos 

The ABTPé JOURNAL (ISSN 1981 772X) is the official body of scientific publishing of the Brazilian Association of Medicine and Surgery of the Ankle and Foot, which is published every semester in July and December, with the purpose of disseminating papers on themes of Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery and related areas.
All papers that are sent to the Journal undergo a peer review by at least two reviewers. Acceptance will be based on originality, relevance, and contribution to science. The reviewers will make general comments on the paper and will decide if it will be published, if corrections are to be incorporated, or if it is rejected. In cases of differences of opinion among the reviewers, a new opinion may be requested. When modifications are suggested, they will be forwarded to the main author, who must then resubmit the corrected manuscript in. Subsequently, it will be returned to the same reviewers so that they can check if their demands have been met. In exceptional cases, when the subject of the manuscript so requires, the Editor-in-Chief may request that the review be conducted by a professional who is not listed among the Editors and the Editorial Council. Following this process of peer review, the Editor-in-Chief will forward the approved papers for publication. As far as possible, the decision as to the acceptance of a paper will occur within 120 days of its receipt.
Once a paper has been accepted for publication, an edited Paper (in PDF format) will be sent to the corresponding author to be proofread, and for a final assessment and approval.
It is up to the Editorial Body to classify papers according to the categories accepted by the Journal. The Body may also suggest modifications to the papers, provided they do not alter the scientific content, and with due assent of the author.
Any claims, information or opinions expressed in the papers that are published in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the authors and their collaborators.
The norms for publication in the journal are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (February 2006), developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), available at: http://www.icmje.org/.
The Journal accepts the following for publication: editorials, original papers, reviewed papers, opinion pieces, case studies, brief pieces, letters to the editor, and special papers.
Editorials refer to topics which are selected for each issue of the ABTPé JOURNAL due to their importance for the scientific community. They are generally written by the Editor-in-Chief or by outstanding specialists in areas of interest who are commissioned by the Journal.
Original Paper
Controlled and randomized studies, observational studies, records, basic research with animals and experiments are included here. Original papers must contain the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, and Abstract. The number of references must not exceed forty.
Review papers (by invitation or at the Editor’s discretion)
These are critical or ordered evaluations of existing literature on themes of clinical importance. A renowned specialist will be requested to write one by request of the Editorial Body about a subject of interest for readers. The ABTPé JOURNAL also accepts review papers sent in by the scientific community. Specifically, the references for these papers should be up-to-date, published preferably in the last ten years, with a maximum of 40 references.
A reflection paper
This is the presentation of a relevant paper that has been published in the field. Specialists are invited by the Editor to comment on the paper, including its positives and negatives, its methodological and conceptual points, and its clinical applicability and relevance. These papers must have a maximum of ten references.
Case studies
These include descriptions of cases involving patients, or particular situations, rare diseases, or those that have never been described, as well as innovative forms of diagnosis or treatment. The case study in question should focus on relevant themes that should be compared to those available in existing literature, and must not exceed ten references.
Brief pieces
These are short experiences with elements of originality.
Letter to the editor – Scientific dialogue and comments
These must comment, discuss or criticize papers that have been published in the Journal itself, or tackle other themes of general interest. A response from the authors of the paper in question may be published together with the letter.
Special paper (by invitation of the editor)
These are articles that do not belong in any of the aforementioned categories, but that are deemed relevant to the field by the Editorial Council.
The ABTPé JOURNAL will give priority to the publication of papers classified as original. The papers may be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, and will be published in the printed version of the journal, in the language in which the original manuscript was submitted. They may also be made available online through the ABTPé site. Should any other means of electronic publication arise in the future, previous consent of the authors for the papers to be published in this way will be assumed.
Technical requirements
Research with human beings and animals
In the Methodology section, the authors must state whether the study has been approved by the Research Ethics Commission of their Institution, in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. In experimental works involving animals, the norms established in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1996) and the ethical principles for animal testing from the Brazilian College of Animal Testing (COBEA- Colégio Brasileiro de Experimentação Animal) must be respected. Research studies involving human beings must be forwarded together with signed copies of patients’ Free, Prior and Informed Consent.
The authors of the approved manuscripts must forward, prior to publication, a written and signed declaration by all co-authors assigning copyright and assuming all responsibility for the dissemination of the publication to the Journal, according to the following terms:
“The undersigned author(s) transfer all copyright of the manuscript (title of the paper) to the APTPé JOURNAL. The signatory(ies) guarantee(s) that the paper is original, that it does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third-party rights, that it has not been sent to any other journal for publication, and that it has not been previously published. The author(s) confirm(s) that the final version of the manuscript has been reviewed and approved by him/her/them.”
All the published manuscripts become the permanent property of the ABTPé JOURNAL and may be published with the written consent of the editor.
Authorship credits
We suggest that authorship credits be adopted as per the ICMJE recommendations. Thus, only those persons that contributed directly to the intellectual content of the paper should be listed as authors of the paper. The authors must meet the following criteria, so as to be publicly responsible for the content of the paper:
• They must have conceived or planned the activities that led to the paper, or they must have interpreted the results achieved, or both;
• They must have written the paper or reviewed the successive versions and participated in the reviewing process;
• They must have approved the final version.
To play an administrative role, to help out with patients, and to collect and consolidate data, albeit important for the research, are NOT criteria for authorship. Other people who have made direct substantial contributions to the paper, but who cannot be considered authors, can be cited in the Acknowledgements section.
Conflict of interest
Whenever some relationship exists between the authors and any public or private entity that may derive some conflict of interest, this possibility must be communicated in a separate letter to the editor, who will guarantee the confidentiality of the declaration;
Based on the norms adopted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and due to many other reasons, the secondary publication, whether in the same or another language, is justifiable and may be beneficial, especially in other countries, provided the conditions described in the editorial are met.