Synovial sarcoma: an unusual presentation as tarsal tunnel syndrome


  • Jorge Mizusaki
  • Hélio Ishihara
  • Sérgio Damião Prata
  • Silvia Iovine Kobata


Tarsal tunnel syndrome; Sarcoma, synovial; Sarcoma; Nerve compression syndromes


Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a rare pathology which is characterized by the presence of compressiveneuropathy in the tarsal tunnel. The diagnosis is based on the patient’s historyand on the clinical findings. Pressure on the tibiae nerve and its terminal branches may becaused by intrinsic or extrinsic factors. The presence of a mass in association with tarsaltunnel syndrome may be frequently caused by a benign tumor or non-tumoral structuresthat compress the nervous structures of the area. This paper reports an uncommon case ofthis syndrome which was caused by synovial sarcoma.

