Aloinjerto Estructura Congelado no lrradiado, en Cirugías Reconstructivas de Retro y Mediopie


  • Juan Manuel Yáfiez Aráuz
  • Jorge Javier Del Vecchio
  • Diego Amadeo Piazza
  • Ricardo Tito Amor


Bone allograft, Hindfoot, Midfoot


Background: The bone is one of the tissues most frequently transplanted. It is used to provide bone stabilis, cavitary filling, and to achieve bone consolidation in multiple situations such as consolidation delay and pseudoarthrosis, sequelae bone defects, tumour surgery arthrodesis, etc. There are few studies evidencing the use of structural allograft in ankle and foot surgeries. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse the clinical, functional and radiological evolution of the patients who were treated with non irradiated frozen structural bone allograft. Methods: We analysed 14 reconstructive surgeries of hindfoot and midfoot between April 2004 and october 2006. The mean follow up period was 14 months. The results were evaluated accord ing to AOFAS score, X-ray (allograft consolidation, preservation of the axis, and allograft collapse), and complications. Results: We observed a 48-point mean improvement of AOFAS ankle and hindfoot score (11 patients) and a 49-point mean improvement of AOFAS midfoot score (3 patients). The mean bone consolidation time was 75 days. No graft fracture and no cases of non-union were found. Conclusion: This treatment is a good option when treating severe defects or when it is necessary to fill sequelae deformities. This implies less morbidity in the patient during the intra-operative period and low rate of consolidation delay and pseudoarthrosis in our seriese.

Author Biographies

Juan Manuel Yáfiez Aráuz

Hospital Universitario Austral, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Jorge Javier Del Vecchio

Hospital Universitario Austral, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Diego Amadeo Piazza

Hospital Universitario Austral, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Ricardo Tito Amor

Hospital Universitario Austral, Buenos Aires. Argentina.



How to Cite

Yáfiez Aráuz, J. M., Del Vecchio, J. J. ., Amadeo Piazza, D., & Tito Amor, R. (2008). Aloinjerto Estructura Congelado no lrradiado, en Cirugías Reconstructivas de Retro y Mediopie. Tobillo Y Pie, 1(1), 48–55. Retrieved from



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