Sutura percutánea del tendón de Aquiles mediante la técnica de las cinco incisiones

Seguimiento a medio plazo


  • Pedro Guerra Vélez
  • David García Fernández
  • J. M. Egea Cano
  • F. J. Sanz Hopital


Achilles tendon, acute rupture, percutaneous surgery


Aims: lnjuries involving the Achilles'tendon (tendo Achilleus) have considerable increased over the last decades. The a im of our study was to assess the results of percutaneous surgery using the five-incision technique in tendo Achilleus raptures ma naged over the last ten years at the "12 de Octubre" Hospital. Material and methods: Retrospective study of 34 cases with a minimum follow-up of one year. The mean age of the patients was 45,8 years. The mean duration of hospital admission was 2,2 days. Immobilisation with posterior suropedial ferula for two weeks was applied in all cases. This was continued with a Walker articulated orthesis in 23 patients and with plaster casts in 11 . All patients performed rehabilitative physiotherapy. Results: For the clinical assesment the Boyden and Kitaoka functional scale was used. Personal satisfaction was excellent in 30 cases (88,2%), good in two (5,9%) and bad in two (5,9%). No patient evidenced any restriction in daily activities or footwear; in all cases the final result was complete active mobility of the involved ankle without any resistance. Complications: dysesthesias in the surgical wound (2), infection that required reoperation (2), partial fibrillar rupture. (1) Conclusion: Percutaneous surgery represents a good thera peutic a lternative.

Author Biographies

Pedro Guerra Vélez

Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatologíal. Hospitat Universitario 12 de octubre. Madrid. España.

David García Fernández

Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatologíal. Hospitat Universitario 12 de octubre. Madrid. España.

J. M. Egea Cano

Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología l. Hospitat Universitario 12 de octubre. Madrid. España.

F. J. Sanz Hopital

Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología l. Hospitat Universitario 12 de octubre. Madrid. España.



How to Cite

Guerra Vélez, P., García Fernández, D. ., Egea Cano, J. M., & Sanz Hopital, F. J. (2010). Sutura percutánea del tendón de Aquiles mediante la técnica de las cinco incisiones: Seguimiento a medio plazo . Tobillo Y Pie, 2(2), 13–18. Retrieved from



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