Closed medial subtalar dislocation caused by low energy sports injury

a case report


  • Pedro Miguel Xavier Fernandes
  • Maria Isabel Pires Rosa Costa Pinto
  • Carla Margarida Pereira Ricardo Nunes Lapão
  • Hugo Filipe Marques Ribeiro
  • Raquel Filipa Corda Teixeira
  • Joaquim Augusto Carapeto Figueira Rodeia


Subtalar joint, Joint dislocations, Tarsal joints, Tarsal bones, Calcaneus, Foot deformities


Subtalar dislocations represent a spectrum of simultaneous lost of congruence of the talo-calcanealand talo-navicular joints. On the majority of cases, there is an associated bone lesion, with isolatedsubtalar joint dislocation being a rare clinical finding. Commonly, these type of injuries require ahigh amount of kinetic energy, as seen in road traffic accident. Among the four types describedin literature, regarding the foot position to talus, medial dislocation is the most common. Urgentreduction, under sedation or general anesthesia, is mandatory and possibly eased by knee flexionin order to achieve relaxation of the gastrocnemius-soleus complex. Long-term sequelae includeavascular necrosis of the talus, skin necrosis, osteochondral fracture, as well as chronic instability.We present an infrequent case of medial subtalar dislocation resulting from minor sports traumain a young male. This type of lesions, infrequent in the clinical practice of an orthopedic surgeon,constitute a diagnostic challenge in order to achieve reduction as soon as possible, so that potentialcomplications can be reduced.

Author Biographies

Pedro Miguel Xavier Fernandes

Hospital São Francisco Xavier - C.H.L.O., Lisboa, Portugal.

Maria Isabel Pires Rosa Costa Pinto

Hospital São Francisco Xavier - C.H.L.O., Lisboa, Portugal.

Carla Margarida Pereira Ricardo Nunes Lapão

Hospital São Francisco Xavier - C.H.L.O., Lisboa, Portugal.

Hugo Filipe Marques Ribeiro

Hospital São Francisco Xavier - C.H.L.O., Lisboa, Portugal.

Raquel Filipa Corda Teixeira

Hospital São Francisco Xavier - C.H.L.O., Lisboa, Portugal.

Joaquim Augusto Carapeto Figueira Rodeia

Hospital São Francisco Xavier - C.H.L.O., Lisboa, Portugal.



How to Cite

Fernandes, P. M. X., Pinto, M. I. P. R. C., Lapão, C. M. P. R. N., Ribeiro, H. F. M., Teixeira, R. F. C., & Rodeia, J. A. C. F. (2018). Closed medial subtalar dislocation caused by low energy sports injury: a case report. Tobillo Y Pie, 10(2), 99–102. Retrieved from



Case Report